Thursday, January 20, 2011

Basket with Flashes

It has been a little too long since the last post.  In December I spent two Saturdays doing family and individual portraits for second annual Help-Portrait.  That was a great experience I plan on doing each year.  I would like to thank Pixels Foto and Frame for donating the 8x10 prints. 

Basketball season has started and this year I am going to try to use my flashes to get better results.  Since this was my first go at it the first photos turned out a little dark and harsh, but I was happier with the results from later in the game.  I set-up a SB800 flash in each corner about 12 feet high (only two to focus on the offensive end) and set them at a 1/4 power.  I ended up shooting about 320 f/3.2 ISO 640. Some fine tuning is needed. 

I also only used my 70-200 f/2.8 from the corners instead of my usual basketball set-up of my 50 f/1.8 from under the basket.   Next game I will go back to the 50 under the basket.

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