Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Salt Lake City

I had a coworker in town from New York and he wanted to head out to get some shots of the mountains and downtown.  We went up to Ensign Peak for the sunset and got a few OK shots, but then went to Temple Square.  It was great to have downtown to ourselves as I only go down for Christmas.

Here is the link to his Flickr portfolio:

Michael Young

And here are few from me:

Monday, January 31, 2011

Please Vote for Me

I am wishing to attend a workshop put on by Julie Parker.  She is giving away one free spot for the photographer with the most votes by February 5.  I have never attended a workshop and would love to try one out. 

Would you please vote for me?  Follow the link and my name is near the bottom of the list.


Thank you,

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

2nd Grade Basketball

Below are a few shots from Monday's night 2nd grade Boys and Girls Club basketball.  The gyms is very small and the lighting is awful on the best nights.  The gym is also very noisy so the goal is to get in and get out.  All photos are at 500 f/2.8 ISO 3200 processed in Lightroom.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Basket with Flashes

It has been a little too long since the last post.  In December I spent two Saturdays doing family and individual portraits for second annual Help-Portrait.  That was a great experience I plan on doing each year.  I would like to thank Pixels Foto and Frame for donating the 8x10 prints. 

Basketball season has started and this year I am going to try to use my flashes to get better results.  Since this was my first go at it the first photos turned out a little dark and harsh, but I was happier with the results from later in the game.  I set-up a SB800 flash in each corner about 12 feet high (only two to focus on the offensive end) and set them at a 1/4 power.  I ended up shooting about 320 f/3.2 ISO 640. Some fine tuning is needed. 

I also only used my 70-200 f/2.8 from the corners instead of my usual basketball set-up of my 50 f/1.8 from under the basket.   Next game I will go back to the 50 under the basket.